Teach Yourself ALPHA MEDITATION-smaller - jpg.TIF.JPG



Copyright  James F. Coyle  2012

James F. Coyle was the founder and CEO of the AUSTRALIAN




This is a personal story of how I used a unique alpha and

a combined visualization process to save myself from

bankruptcy and an emotional breakdown.  It worked

magnificently. A handful of close contacts subsequently

 used the process with generally spectacular results.

This is the first time I have disclosed this method.


Alpha is the relaxed mental state you experience just before sleep; just after you wake up and during the daydream condition. By training yourself to go to alpha on demand you can keep your wide awake conscious mind ticking while your body goes to alpha. This is sometimes known as the mind-awake body-asleep state.

There are 5 main methods of intentionally experiencing the alpha state:

1 – Buy a copy of the original Silva Mind Course book (Silva was the first westerner to identify this dual condition) and learn the process over 90 days.

2 – Go on the 3 day Silva (or equivalent) course and learn the process quickly, but then you will need to constantly practice it for 2 weeks to get the process “locked in.”

3 – Use the alpha instructions in my book BEYOND BELIEF to make a cassette tape and learn the process in 14 days.

4 – You can use a “mind machine” which uses pulsing tones and flashing lights. This will induce alpha but will not teach you the process.

5 – Use the same technique described below as I did and couple it with an extremely powerful visualization exercise which literally “saved” me.

I have not written about this process before as it is highly personal and only a handful of my acquaintances are aware of it. However a couple of

my daughters have used it with considerable success.


The alpha meditation process described in this small booklet uses the 5th technique.

This Alpha program literally saved me from bankruptcy and an emotional breakdown.

Let me explain exactly what happened: .................................


This powerful little book can be purchased on Amazon Kindle –

USA - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007PKCGZA

UK   - http://www.amazon.co.uk/YOURSELF-MEDITATION-Mental-Series-ebook/dp/B007PKCGZA/

AU   - http://www.amazon.com.au/ebook/dp/B007PKCGZA/

CA   -  http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B007PKCGZA/



Don’t have a Kindle? No Problem! Download Kindle for PC FREE and read these booklets on your computer.

Click on the following URL. Copy and paste if the link is broken.

PC - http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=kcp_pc_mkt_lnd?docId=1000426311

MAC - http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=hp_macfaq_kfm?docId=1000464931


HOMEPAGE  -  http://www.mindtech.com.vu/



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