The Author of these free mini-books has 30+
of the world's best motivational and self-help books
published on Amazon.
His most popular one is - INTUITION:THE MAGICAL 6th SENSE –
The force that drives the universe
Copyright - James F. Coyle 2014
Here is a scenario that explains the importance of consciousness coupled
with intent and expectation. I’d suggest
you find a quiet place to relax while you read it:
Imagine yourself walking into a pitch black aircraft hanger in the
middle of the night. The hanger is huge and you know that it is absolutely
empty. You walk for several minutes until you estimate you are in the centre of
this vast space. Everything around you is absolutely black. You mentally
compare this to the known universe made up of matter. Every single thing in the known universe
consists of matter (which springs from “solidified” energy). You stand there
for several minutes with this analogy running through your mind.
light a candle and hold it above your head. You realise that this candle flame
represents consciousness, the only known condition apart from “matter” in the
The candle flame is throwing a weak light in all has
little impact upon the impenetrable darkness around you. Finally, you detach a
high powered focussed spotlight from your belt and turn it on. It cuts through
the blackness and focuses on the rear wall of the hanger. You realise that this
is the equivalent of focussed consciousness in a mind boggling sea of matter.
You swing the spotlight over this wall until it impinges on a doorway in the
distance. You have become rather disorientated in this hanger and you are very
happy to find this doorway. . It is your intent to exit via this door and you
expect to be able to do so. Eventually due to the intent and expectation of
your focussed consciousness you find yourself outside the hanger looking at the
stars. You realise then that the only thing more important than general
consciousness is focussed consciousness coupled with intent and
expectation. You sit down on the grass
and realise for the first time ever that consciousness is a vastly more
significant event than mere matter.........and that focussed consciousness in
the form of expectation and intent is vastly more significant again.
From this simple exercise you have been forced to realise that
expectation and intent are mankind’s driving force in an otherwise sea of mundane
Expectation and intent drive your natural psychokinetic abilities to
create results.
It has been said that nothing can stop a determined human mind. When you
look at what the word “determined” really means you realise that it embraces
focussed intent and expectation.
This is the reason that success in all its forms comes to people who
utilise these great universal concepts in an intelligent and dedicated manner.
And this does not require superior intelligence. Intelligence in an individual
has nothing to do with him or her using focussed intent and expectation to
achieve an end result. In fact some of the most intelligent individuals on this
planet are totally unsuccessful in life, due to their inability to understand
and apply the above concept.
Intent and expectation can be used in a number of ways:
For example, your “intent” before you enter the
alpha or theta states will largely determine the experience you have while in
these states. That is, if you dwell intently on a specific subject as you enter
these states, your subconscious mind will assume that you wish to explore that
particular subject in depth and will automatically focus its attention in that
specific area.
On the other hand you may have no specific subject to explore when you
enter the alpha/theta state but you may elect to instruct your subconscious to
“dwell” on a subject that is of importance to you....without initially knowing
what it is. When you are actually in your meditative state you may find
yourself thinking automatically about a specific subject and you can assume
that your subconscious considers this important....even though consciously you
may not previously have attached much significance to it.
Often when you have a serious problem to solve you go to sleep thinking
about is playing on your mind. And you are sometimes amazed to find
that when you wake up in the morning the correct solution just pops into your
head. The reason for this is that you expect to solve this particular problem
and because you keep dwelling on it your mind assumes that you intend to sole it obliges.
This is rather similar to the situation where a certain musical
“tune” keeps running through your head. This is quite often your subconscious
giving you a message that you should “pay attention”. Perhaps the words of the tune or the message
in it are significant to you at this particular point in time. Or perhaps you
first heard this tune under rather dramatic or unusual circumstances and your
subconscious is suggesting you recall those circumstances and dwell on them.
Whatever the reason, there is usually a message for you to decode.
You can also use a dream to materialise your intent and expectation. At
one point I was running a simple program to improve my financial position. Just
before I went to sleep at night I would repeat to myself (20 times or more)
...”I will have a dream that solves my current financial woes”. I ran this
program on and off for about 10 the end of which I had a sudden
unexpected financial windfall. It was only a few thousand dollars but in those
days this meant a lot to me. I have no idea what the dreams were about, but
whatever they were....they worked!
Individual thoughts do not remain within the boundaries of the individual,
a fact which has been proven over and over by the communication mode of
telepathy, which most individuals have experienced at least once in their
lives. A thought is usually regarded as
a personal intimate possession belonging to the individual who created it. Because of the constant subconscious
communication going on between all individuals at any given time.....this
thought cannot remain private. And if you should be standing in front of
another individual, whereby your concentration is focussed on them, then your
“personal” thought has a far greater chance of impinging on their subconscious.
This may cause confusion in their minds as you are verbally saying one thing,
your body language is saying another and your subconscious message is conveying
something totally different yet again.
This can be proven conclusively by using a mental projection technique
that a world famous psychic identified.
Next time you are talking to someone who you don’t particularly care for
and who is annoying you project mentally at them “Danger, Danger,
Danger....Look out, Look out, Look out....Run, Run, Run”. You have to mentally
‘scream” at them as if your were a castaway on a deserted Island and you were trying to
attract the attention of a nearby passing ship. You might be quite amazed as
the other individual suddenly looks alarmed and you will usually see their eyes
quickly search your body for weapons. It will usually stop their conversation
in its tracks. You can add to this by mentally screaming “Freeze, Freeze, Freeze”. The two concepts together can mentally overload the
individuals mind temporarily. I sometimes add “Confusion, Confusion, Confusion”.
At this point the other persons’ eyes usually develop a dazed look while
their brain attempts to make sense of the incoming conflicting information.
This is the principal behind “instant” hypnosis.
If at this point you walk 10-15 feet away from the person then when they
become “undazed” they will perceive you as suddenly
having “jumped” some distance away. Their brain has even more trouble with this
and don’t be surprised if they suddenly run from the room in panic.
Women can use this principal for self protection, particularly if being
accosted on the street.
What this exercise proves is that you are in constant communication with
other people on a deep down level and you can accentuate this by evoking a
fight or flight response to a perceived danger.
Following from this it is obvious that it is difficult to hide from
another person your true intent. Other people will sense your intent to a
greater or lesser degree. The point here
is that it is really very difficult to retain a “mental secret”. Your thoughts
do not circularise only within your physical body and stop at your
skin.....they emanate outwards.
You may have read one or more of the SETH books. The character Seth
appears to be an individual from the future who spoke via a medium named Jane
Roberts. You may totally rubbish this concept but for the past 40 years the
Seth predictions have generally been accurate. Even a couple of well known
present day scientists have acknowledged the accuracy of his scientific
SETH states that telepathy accounts for the usefulness of the spoken
language and says that without telepathy no language would be intelligible. When you speak verbally your personal
thoughts are projected outward to anyone within earshot......the same applies
to your unspoken thoughts. So if you are talking to someone who does not
particularly impress you it is important to think rather generous thoughts
about them, otherwise they are likely to pick up on your true feelings.
You will have had several experiences with this subconscious
communication when you are desperately searching for a car park on a busy
street. Suddenly, for no reason, a car backs out just in front of you and you
grab that car space. In fact you can pre-program for this by focussing on a car
park as you drive into town. I do this constantly.
What happens is this: Out of all
the dozens of drivers who own cars parked in the area you wish to park in, one
will receive your “mental desire” for a park and will decide on the spur of the
moment that they have had enough of shopping. Their subconscious mind can judge
exactly when you will arrive and they subconsciously time their actions so that
their car pulls out of the parking space just as you drive up. In fact there
may be several motorists ahead of you who could leap into this space but they
don’t! This whole process happens because of your dedicated intent and
The core of individuality is the individual’s expectations and if a
person wants to change their fate mere desire is not must be
coupled with the absolute belief that the desired event will happen. This is
why programming for your desires in the alpha/theta state is so important. The
mental “picturing” of the required outcome in these deep meditative states will
provide the subconscious belief system necessary and trigger the universal
mechanisms required for the event to materialise.
SETH states that without this expectation no physical construction will
An expectation of danger will create danger while an expectation of
success will create success.
Expectation is the force that triggers psychic realities into physical
Expectations are formed by the emotions so you must manipulate your
basic emotions to set up a “success” mindstate. This is easiest done in the meditative
The subconscious represents a tremendous raw power that triggers forth
into construction in accordance with the expectations that you have formed.
Many of your expectations are formed in childhood from parent and peer pressure
and they might be quite restrictive ones. All you have to do to overcome this
is to look at successful people that you know and consider what their
expectations are. How are they different from yours? Have they got superior
intelligence to you? If you do deep analysis you will probably find that they
are no different from you, but through life have developed higher expectations
than you have currently got. They build on their small success (of which you
will have had plenty also) and gone on from there.
It would be a great personal exercise if you sat down in some quiet
place and wrote down exactly what your current expectations the field
of business, personal and emotional. When you have completed this list look
hard at it......are your expectations high enough? Or are you aiming too low.
Probably the most important thing to you is your personal
personal success and happiness. Ask yourself.....”What do I really expect from
life? What are my real aims and desires? Have I achieved the aims and desires I
planned 5 years ago? If so, am I just
cruising with no replacement aims planned?”
Once you have identified where you’re at you might like to consider
“raising your game” a little, by setting aims and desires that are currently
slightly out of your reach. If you write down clearly what you want then work
on your mind to produce the necessary expectation level, you will find that
these objectives will materialise in due course, in the same manner that you
previous batch of objectives materialised. The point here is that if you don’t
keep stressing your comfort level slightly, you will be unlikely to make
further progress.
Once you set your new objectives you will have to fully intend to pursue
them.....and you will have to modify your mind-state to expect them.
There is a vast difference in “wishing” for something.........and
planning for it via intent and expectation.
Your subconscious psychic powers will only materialise constructions
that you believe you are currently capable of.
If you limit your expectations you limit your results and no amount of
mere “desire” will overcome this basic belief limitation.
It has been said that sometimes an individuals’ expectations are too
high for their abilities but it is an observable fact that expectations form
abilities. If your expectations are higher
then your abilities will flourish.
Lie back and relax. Close your eyes. Go into alpha or theta if you
can. Now imagine yourself as a portion
of the total universe. Imagine this
universe to be alive with throbbing, pulsing energy. You can think of this
universe as having the form of a body. See the suns and planets as your
cells...realise that they are part of you...and you, them. See incredible energy everywhere, just waiting
for you to unleash it. Now see this
energy exploding into your consciousness. It is incredibly bright. Feel the
throbbing of this energy as it enters your consciousness and body. Direct this energy to any point in your body
that needs it. If instead there is an event that you wish to materialise then
use that burst of energy to imagine its occurrence as clearly as you can. See
the event taking place....filled with this magic energy. Maintain this image for as long as you can
without strain....then let go and relax. Know for certain that this energy
filled event will take place.
At dawn or dusk go for a walk among some trees. Stop and sense the colours and smells. Close your
eyes and repeat this exercise. Breathe in the vitality and fragrance of the
surroundings. Take deep breaths and imagine yourself breathing in goodness and
vitality. Touch some of the leaves with eyes open then closed. Immerse yourself
in the environment. Amble along and repeat the above exercises a few times. Forget all personal, emotion or business
considerations....simply be at one with your environment. Feel the psychic
relaxation sweep over you. When you have had enough, go home.
You might be amazed at the effect this simple exercise has on you for
the rest of the day.
Prior to doing the above you can also mention your current desires and
expectations to your subconscious.....then the act of immersing yourself in the
environment will cause your inherent psychic abilities to flourish, with
sometimes quite stunning outcomes. Do not dwell on these expectations while you
are actually involved in the exercise.....program them in before the exercise.
Another simpler exercise is to merely lie on a grassy patch among
bushes, maybe in your garden. In this case close your eyes and “sense” you
environment. Become aware of smells and sounds.
Most importantly, if you are looking for inspiration takes frequent
breaks away from your everyday environment. Visit some place that is the
opposite of your normal situation.
Expect to be psychically recharged....and you will be!!
Energy is the basis of the universe.
Ideas are mental transformations of energy by an entity into physical
Idea constructions are transformations of ideas into physical reality.
Space is where our own idea constructions do not exist in the physical
The physical body is the material construction of the entity’s idea of
itself under the properties of matter.
The individual is the part of the entity or whole self of which we are
conscious in daily life. It is that part of the whole self which we are able to
express or make “real” through our idea constructions on a physical level.
The subconscious is the threshold of an idea’s emergence into the
individual conscious mind. It connects the entity and the individual.
Personality is the individual’s overall responses to ideas received and
constructed. It represents the emotional coloration of the individual’s ideas
and constructions at any given “time”.
Emotions are the driving force that propel
ideas into constructions.
Instinct is the minimum ability for idea constructions necessary for
physical survival.
Learning is the potential for constructing new idea complexes from
existing ideas.
Idea complexes are groups of ideas formed together like building blocks
to form more complicated constructions in physical reality.
Communication is the interchange of ideas by entities on the energy
nonphysical level.
Action is idea in motion. The senses are channels of projection by which
ideas are projected outward to create the world of appearances.
Environment is the overall idea constructions with which an individual
surrounds himself.
Physical time is the apparent lapse between the emergence of an idea in
the physical universe (as a construction) and its replacement by another.
The past is the memory of ideas that were but are no longer physical
The present is the apparent point of any idea’s emergence into physical
The future is the apparent lapse between the disappearance of one idea
construction and its replacement by another in physical reality.
Psychological time is the apparent lapse between the conception
of ideas.
Aging is the effect upon an idea construction of the properties of
matter of which the construction is composed.
Growth is the formation of an idea construction toward its fullest
possible materialisation following the properties of matter.
Sleep is the entity’s relative rest from idea construction except the
minimum necessary for physical survival.
The physical universe is the sum of individual idea constructions.
Memory is the ghost image of “past” idea constructions.